来源:中国社会企业与影响力投资论坛2019-04-10 00:00:00


  ——纽约市市长 迈克尔.布隆伯格 

  ——约尔.弗勒锡曼,著有Zhe Foundation 

  ——比尔.乔治,著有Zrue North,是关敦力集团的前任董事长兼执行总栽


对于从前的慈善家而言,慈善仅仅指捐款。而对于新一代身家亿万的慈善家来说,慈善事业就如同商业运作。他们的捐款方式完全改变了。大部分在商界中打拼过的“社会投资家”采用了商业策略,要求投入与效率成正比。世界首富比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)便是这种模式的开创者:他发誓要把财产投入到治疗肆虐于贫困地区中的儿童致命疾病当中。

在《慈善资本的运作》中,马修•比肖普(Matthew Bishop)和迈克尔•格林(Michael Green)考察了这种全新的慈善运作模式,采访了全球最强势大人物——盖茨(Gates), 比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton), 沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett), 奥普拉•温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey),和波诺(Bono),从中得知这个由资本与捐资者所构成的庞大网络是如何运作起来,以解决全球问题的。而这一切产生了深远的影响:在政府向公共事业上投入资金受到阻滞的大环境下,他们的资金可能构成改变世界的最强势的力量,同时也将是政治争议的一个源头。



★ 马蔚华、王振耀郑重推荐

★ 洛克菲勒慈善咨询机构副总裁海瑟·格雷迪,全球视野下的超前之作

★ 深圳国际公益学院倾心编译


























  • 大浪潮

  • 社会影响力投资的国际发展

  • 小额信贷:还是好的发展品牌吗?

  • 社会企业中的社会影响力投资:在“混乱”中前进

  • 社会影响力投资面向何方


  • 如何监管社会影响力投资

  • 如何培养变革型领导

  • 如何衡量综合价值

  • 如何解锁慈善资本

  • 如何调动这些资金

  • 如何理解森林和树木

2019年3月25日,南都基金会与Jed Emerson关于“The Purpose of Capital”的图书授权签约仪式在上海举行。本书中文版将由中信出版社在9月底出版。

2018年9月,美国社会企业家精神和影响力投资领域的专家、思想领袖Jed Emerson推出新作《资本的使命和价值》(暂定,英文名The Purpose of Capital: Elements of Impact, Financial Flows and Natural Being)一书。在本书中,Jed进行了独特的尝试,全面地讨论了投资者应当如何更深入思考货币的意义和蕴含,从而采取怎样的行动;并分析了为什么影响力投资要投资于系统的变革,最终实现投资者自身以及每个人作为个体的转变。该书对资本、投资和财富管理的认知和理解历史根源进行了溯源与探索,将我们与金融、与生命、与世界以及个人终极使命和价值相连接起来。



Jed Emerson是国际公认的社会创业家精神、战略慈善和影响力投资领域先锋、专家和思想领袖,有“影响力投资教父”之称誉。他在投资基金、企业、社会创业机构和基金会追求经济绩效和社会与环境影响力方面,具有丰富的领导、管理和咨询经验。

Jed曾先后担任过商业对冲基金影响力投资策略组的运营总监、前高盛资产管理负责人David Blood和美国前副总统阿尔–戈尔联合发起的世代投资管理公司(Generation Investment Management)下属基金会及休利特基金会(The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation)的高级客座专家,以及McConnell Clark基金会的项目经理,曾在哈佛大学、斯坦福大学和牛津大学商学院讲授影响力投资、社会创业等课程。

目前,Jed担任亚洲、美国和欧洲许多家族办公室的高级顾问,是纽约Tiedemann财富管理公司的投资委员会外部委员以及芝加哥威廉·布莱尔(William Blair)财富管理公司的顾问、全球影响力投资网络Tonnic的高级客座专家,担任海德堡大学社会投资中心的高级研究员;同时,是联合国开发计划署SDG影响力金融高级别专家咨询委员会委员。

“Impact investing can be a powerful instrument of change.”
—Judith Rodin, President, The Rockefeller Foundation, and Margot Brandenburg, in the introduction

A new wave of investors is using impact investing to address some of the greatest challenges of our time—from climate change and water scarcity to lack of access to health care, education, and affordable housing—with the intention of also generating a financial return. 

This couldn’t happen at a more critical time. While philanthropy continues to be a transformative force for good, global philanthropic funds, even when combined with the development or aid budgets of many national governments, add up to mere billions of dollars. Meanwhile, the cost of solving the world’s problems runs into the trillions.

In The Power of Impact Investing, Rockefeller Foundation president Judith Rodin and Margot Brandenburg, two of the foremost experts in the field, explain what impact investing is, how it compares to philanthropy and traditional investments, where opportunities are evolving around the world, and how to get started.

By sharing moving stories of impact investors and the exciting social enterprises benefiting from these investments, Rodin and Brandenburg offer a compelling resource for anyone interested in better understanding the power of impact investing—including retail investors, high-net-worth individuals, and heads of family offices, foundations, banks, and pension funds—while also offering experienced impact investors an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and benefit from the perspectives of other investors.

Your money can change the world

The Impact Investor: Lessons in Leadership and Strategy for Collaborative Capitalism offers precise details on what, exactly, impact investing entails, embodied in the experiences and best and proven practices of some of the world's most successful impact investors, across asset classes, geographies and areas of impact. The book discusses the parameters of impact investing in unprecedented detail and clarity, providing both context and tools to those eager to engage in the generational shift in the way finance and business is being approached in the new era of Collaborative Capitalism.

The book presents a simple thesis with clarity and conviction: "Impact investing can be done successfully. This is what success looks like, and this is what it requires." With much-needed lessons for practitioners, the authors view impact investing as a harbinger of a new, more "multilingual" (cross-sector), transparent, and accountable form of economic leadership.

The Impact Investor: Lessons in Leadership and Strategy for Collaborative Capitalism serves as a resource for a variety of players in finance and business, including:

Investors: It demonstrates not only the types of investments which can be profitable and impactful, but also details best practices that, with roots in impact investing, will increasingly play a role in undergirding the success of all investment strategies.

Wealth advisors/financial services professionals: With unprecedented detail on the innovative structures and strategies of impact investing funds, the book provides guidance to financial institutions on how to incorporate these investments in client portfolios.

Foundations: The book explores the many catalytic and innovative ways for for-profit and non-profit investors to partner, amplifying the potential social and environmental impacts of philanthropic spending and market-rate endowment investment.

Business students: By including strategies for making sound impact investments based on detailed case studies, it provides concrete lessons and explores the skills required to enhance prospects for success as a finance and business professional.

Policy makers: Reinforcing the urgency of creating a supportive and enabling environment for impact investing, the book demonstrates ways policy has already shaped the sector, and suggests new ways for policymakers to support it.

Corporate leaders: The book includes essential advice on the way business is and must be responding to a new generation of Millennial clients and customers, with unique insights into a form of value creation that is inherently more collaborative and outcomes-driven.

<Collaborative Capitalism and the Rise of Impact Investing>

This short format piece targeting impact investors and social entrepreneurs provides real-world examples of impact investing for social return based on author-developed cases derived from their work and research. It covers two overarching themes of impact investing with cases and supporting evidence. Coverage includes: MISSION FIRST AND LAST Summary of Theme: Myth: Impact investing is either financial-first or impact-first, where either financial returns or impact are prioritized across each stage of a funds or organizations lifecycle. Reality: Impact investing involves weighing financial and impact objectives differently throughout fund lifecycles. A clearly embedded strategy and structure for achieving mission is at the core of enabling a financial process of investing and in outperforming funds, this happens before any investment is made, and then again in the assessment of mission at the end of the investment. In between, most funds act very much like other investors, and financial concerns dominate. Fund examples: Microvests founding by 2 global nonprofits and resulting practices; Bridges Ventures building in government goals and nonprofit trust structure from outset; RSF Social Finances funding areas and interest rates decided by its investors; then loan portfolios are managed with mainstream discipline. MULTILINGUAL LEADERSHIP Summary of Theme: Myth: A single-minded focus on the financial elements of impact investing will guarantee success Reality: Even as those responsible for making investments must be rigorously financial-aware, fund strategy and leadership is a cross-sector discipline and requires familiarity with policy, business and social sectors. Fund examples: Omidyar Networks professional EBay and investment- background staff turning to policy and infrastructure development to move a sector as a foundation would; Aavishkars founders have government fund backgrounds and include an Ashoka (social enterprise) fellow.

<Conscious Capitalism>

★ As seen on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday

★ The bestselling book, now with a new preface by the authors

At once a bold defense and reimagining of capitalism and a blueprint for a new system for doing business, Conscious Capitalism is for anyone hoping to build a more cooperative, humane, and positive future.

Whole Foods Market cofounder John Mackey and professor and Conscious Capitalism, Inc. cofounder Raj Sisodia argue that both business and capitalism are inherently good, and they use some of today's best-known and most successful companies to illustrate their point. From Southwest Airlines, UPS, and Tata to Costco, Panera, Google, the Container Store, and amazon, today's organizations are creating value for all stakeholders--including customers, employees, suppliers, investors, society, and the environment.

Read this book and you'll better understand how four specific tenets--higher purpose, stakeholder integration, conscious leadership, and conscious culture and management--can help build strong businesses, move capitalism closer to its highest potential, and foster a more positive environment for all of us.

Social Finance is a rapidly advancing area of practice, policy and research, with alot of unanswered questions.

What does it amount to? What is it to be 'social' in finance? How do you value assets that offer a social as well as a financial return?

This book provides a collection of authoritative essays on these and related topics. The essays embrace the different manifestations of social finance, collate existing research, set out the controversies, offer theoretical insights, and advances, and draw together the ideas of the leading thinkers in the field. Contributors to this volume are leading exponents and practitioners of social finance and leading academics from the main relevant disciplines and fields of study.

This book is the first serious and comprehensive treatment of social finance and as such, will be of interest to academics with research and teaching interests in finance, social enterprise/entrepreneurship, public policy, business economics and international deveopement to name a few. If you want to understand and join in the academic and policy debates, or if you are working in one part of this field and want to understand how the landscape is being rapidly re-shaped, then this is an essential guidebook.